5 Quick Organizing Projects To Tackle
Let’s be real, it can be hard to find the motivation or time to tackle larger projects. Going through my closet can feel like such a to-do, and realistically could take all afternoon or all day. So, today I wanted to share a few smaller projects that can be tackled in less than 45 minutes. They deal with items that theoretically have little emotional attachment, so editing and organizing should be slightly easier, and once you finish you will hopefully feel a little more accomplished - and organized! Let’s begin!
edit reusable bags
I don’t know about you, but I feel like the quantity of reusable bags in my home multiplies without me even realizing it. If you shop at stores like Lululemon and Blue Mercury you always leave with another one, which is then added to the collection without batting an eye. In reality, we only need a handful, and, like anything else, the more we have the more space they take up. I like to file fold mine in either another reusable bag, which can be hung, or in a deeper bin so they don’t flow over the edges.
Time to organize. Where do you begin?
Bring together all of the reusable bags you own
Sort by size
Edit: keep ones that you use often, get rid of the ones that have been well loved and are ripping or have stains. Is there one size that you have an excessive amount of? You really don’t need more than 8-10 of each size
Pro tip: for larger ones that help with groceries, keep 5 in the house and 5 in the car.
sort & organize tupperware
We’ve all been there - finding the perfect size tupperware for your leftovers and the lid is nowhere to be found. The worst!
Time to organize. Where do you begin?
Take all of your tupperware pieces out and play the matching game
Keep the matching sets, as long as they are in good condition, and get rid of anything that doesn’t have a corresponding lid or bottom
Pro tip: We recommend storing the sets together, that way when you are grabbing your Tupperware you always know that you are reaching for a complete set.
edit dish towels
These are another household item that I find accumulates overtime. You might receive them as gifts, or you may buy them to coordinate with a current holiday or season. After a while, you’ve amassed a collection that takes up too much space in the kitchen.
Again, take everything out - -> sort - -> edit.
Pro tip: We recommend storing these in either a kitchen drawer or a bin under the sink (depending on your space) and file folding, so you can see all of your dish towels at one time.
clean out refrigerator
A refrigerator can be a blackhole of accumulation. There definitely are items, like fresh produce, that are rotated frequently, but there are others (sauces and condiments) which may have been bought for that 1 recipe and then put in the fridge, only to go untouched and forgotten.
Time to organize. Where do you begin?
Take everything out
Categorize all items
At a minimum, toss anything that is expired
Before putting everything away, take the time to physically clean the fridge, getting rid of that gunk from the jelly or florets that fell off the broccoli head
organize linen closet
When you’re in a rush, sometimes it’s just easier to stuff the towels and sheets on the shelves and shut the door - they are clean after all! Take this time to edit and properly fold your towels and linens. You’ll thank me, I promise.
Time to organize. Where do you begin?
Take everything out and really evaluate how many you need. If you have one queen bed in the house do you really need three different sets of sheets?
This may be the time to part with the frayed and/or stained towel…it’s okay to get rid of things that are past their prime; they have been well-loved. It’s also a great opportunity to donate to those who are really in need of these items